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Strategic marketing. Methods of sales of goods and services for customers

Training “Strategic marketing. Methods of sales of goods and services for customers”

The two-day seminar for the customer service employees, field service people and so on

Why this training is important?

  1. Annually millions employees worldwide participate in training on development of skills needed to reach success in customer service. From this point of view Ukraine is not an exception.
  2. The enterpriser expect to see measurable changes, how their employees work, create the relationships, and as far as they are capable to innovations after they were "inspired" with the trainer. If the trainer was hired in order to acquaint the employees with new knowledge and techniques in an orb of sales of services and products, it is quite naturally, that the management of firms will expect increase of sales of services and products.
  3. To understand the real needs of the clients and to offer service and products, which adequately satisfy their requirements, both talent, and steep comprehension of the target market and appropriate mechanisms of realization of services and products acceptable to such market are indispensable. the main purpose of this training is to develop comprehension for the participants and to give them useful tools for successful sales.

After completing this training, you will be able to:

  1. To develop strategy to penetrate on market, which one completely satisfy market's requirements.
  2. Recognize the role of sales personnel of company in process of creation of value for customers.
  3. Develop main decisions in order to manage by sales force of firm.
  4. Know principles of selection, hiring of sales force and its structure.
  5. Know how companies train and learn sales persons.
  6. Describe the ways used by companies for motivation, compensation control and estimation of personnel performances.
  7. Understand and use in day-to-day operation basic marketing approaches:
    1. «Cool visit».
    2. Direct mail marketing.
    3. Direct marketing.
    4. Telemarketing.
    5. Innovation marketing.
  8. Help ensure positive customer interactions in your workplace.
  9. Recognize the elements of effective two-way interpersonal communication.
  10. Provide feedback effectively.
  11. Deal assertively with others.
  12. Define nonverbal communication.
  13. Recognize the potential impact on customer of nonverbal communication.
  14. Effectively use nonverbal cues to achieve and improve customer satisfaction.
  15. Explain the effect that gender and culture have on communication.
  16. Describe the advantages of customer focused behavior.
  17. Project a customer-focused image through the effective use of nonverbal cues.

Who should listen this course:

The present training is designed for the customer service employees, field service people and so on.

Schedule of the training:

First day
Introduction, trainer, materials of the course, participants: 9:00
Topic I:Keys to penetrate on the marker of services and goods9:20
Coffee break: 11:00
Topic II:
  • Methods and tools of marketing.
  • Four Ps (product, price, place, and promotion).
Topic III: Sales promotion and personal selling 14:00
Coffee break: 15:30
Topic IV:
  • Hiring of the salesperson.
  • Sales force structure.
  • More then seventy frequently asked job interview questions.
Completion of the day. Summing up17:30
Second day
Topic V:
  • Tools of personal selling.
  • Telemarketing.
  • Job description, motivation, compensation and firing of sales force.
Coffee break: 11:00
Topic VI: 11:20
Topic VII: Two-way communication
  • The tasks of two-way communication.
  • Positive verbal communication.
  • Nonassertive and assertive behaviors of service-provider.
Coffee break: 15:30
Topic VIII: Nonverbal communication in customer service

  • Communication of feelings.
  • The scope of nonverbal behavior.
    • Body language.
    • Vocal cues.
    • Appearance or grooming.
    • Spatial cues.
    • Environmental cues.
    • Miscellaneous cues (habits, time usage, follow-through).
  • Unproductive behaviors.
Completion of the day. Summing up17:30
During the training distributing materials will be granted (questionnaire, booklets, practical recommendations), the role games, tests will be conducted, audio records will be listened, exercises will be performed.

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