Calculation of a solar energy potential of Ukraina

The area of terrain of Ukraine - 603700 square kilometers

The table 1

Period A total solar radiation in Ukraina
Megajoules/square meter kWatt•hour/square meter
75 21
600 167
4 050 1 125

The table 2

Fuel *Specific heat of combustion
Megajoules/Kg kWatt•hour/Kg
Natural gas
45 12,5
27 7,5
45 12,5

* The data are adduced pursuant to the reference Book on physics and engineering. Moscow, Prosveschenie, 1989

The table 3

Period The total solar radiation, which one reaches the surface of a soil in Ukraina Equivalent quantity of fuel, billion tonne
Megajoules kWatt•hour Natural gas Coal Oil
4,53E+13 1,26E+13 1 006 1 677 1 006
3,62E+14 1,01E+14 8 049 13 416 8 049
2,44E+15 6,79E+14 54 333 90 555 54 333


On terrain of Ukraine for one year such quantity of energy of the sun drops, which one prevails a present level of its consumption greater than in five hundred time. It is enough to use only 0,2 % of energy of the sun, which one reaches the surface of Ukraina to satisfy energy demands of Ukrainians.
