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Tests: creativity, reclama, marketing, advertising, communication, loyalty of clients, behavior

Test 1. What is advertising?

Having a good product or service and not advertising and promoting it are like not having a business at all. Many business owners operate under the mistaken concept that the business will promote itself, and channel money that should be used for advertising and promotions to other areas of the business.

Test 2. Nonverbal Communication in Customer Service

Test 3. Positive Verbal Communication

You are the front line in delivering quality service to your customers. Your appearance, actions or inactions, and ability to communicate say volumes about the organization and its focus on customer satisfaction.

Test 4. Encouraging Customer Loyalty

Relationships are built on trust! The most important thing to remember about trust is that, without it, you have no relationship. This applies to all human situations, not just the customer service environment.

Test 5. Customer Service and Behavior

Test 6. Realities of marketing

Test 7. "Creative thinking Skills"

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Alternative energy - energy of the future